Thursday, September 18, 2008

Simple High rach

When I first got pregnant I wanted all these awesome baby things, and often got suckered in to buying things with all the bells and whistles. One of those things was the high chair I ended up getting, and well I hated it. It was big and bulky, hard to clean, and really just awkward. So needless to say I was on the hunt for a much simpler model. My friend Malia has the high chair that I ended up getting, mostly because every time we would go to her house I couldn't wait to let Mae use the chair. For about 10 months I coveted it, I then finally asked her where she got it. IKEA who would of thought, I went home and ordered it that night, its arrived and I am in love. So easy to clean, takes up very little space, and was so cheap.
The lesson I learned from this is simple is a good thing and don't forget it.


Linda said...

I saw that in your kitchen the other day. I thought immediately that it looked cool and did not take up hardly any space and how nice that was.

moxie mama said...

very modern and affordable! does it fold down?

The Mac Attack said...

Nope it doesn't fold down. But its awesome!