Thursday, August 7, 2008

Wolves vs. april

I know I can speak for my sisters when I say Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyer is amazing. I am sure that if you've read the previous books in the series, you are reading or have finished Breaking Dawn. If you haven't read the series I highly recommend starting out at the beginning with Twilight. The series is a love story between a teenage mortal and a vampire-plus so much more. I would go so far as to say they are the Harry Potter of today, and I do not take Harry Potter lightly. You'll have to read them to find out the details because I don't want to give anything away!

Also, I would just like to add that my husband is a wolf. He is strong-but not in that stone kind of way, hairy, and is so nice to snuggle up to on a cold night to get warm. I'm curious what the men are in your life? It's wolves vs. vampires!


Over The Tipsy Top Design said...

Hi April, we haven't read the books yet but I think it's time everyone has said how great they are! We need to get you your door decor, we can mail it to you. Email us at
Love, The Tipsy Girls

Linda said...

Dad is a wolf a.k.a. shape shifter. :)

The Mac Attack said...

I think that Sean is a Vampire. Mae is for sure Nessie. She is getting her fangs in right now.

Devyn said...

Scott is a wolf. He is a warm warm, hairy, big strong man. He is my favorite pillow.